In pursuit of adopting a profession befitting the socio-economic status of our country Bangladesh, I was wandering in the wilderness of life and floating in turmoil of the vast ocean of wisdom after my academic career. Fortunately, I got to the window of opportunity to get through the tapestry of some great people including noble laureates where they translated any man’s death as diminishing of mankind. Here it bolstered me by warm-hearted feeling for our poor unprivileged people passing away diminishing the mankind unnoticed with no or very little health support from any source for their survival. This is where I decided to venture a profession to help these downtrodden helpless people with whatever I have and whichever I can with a view that “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.
Thus, I started Mashruba Medical Technologies named after my beloved only daughter Mashruba and since 2007 when we started with nothing but a drawing table at a very humble corner in our residence. With passing of time, we have attained a remarkable position in the business arena where we have now strongly launched for rocketing towards our goal with 35 young... Read more
C-Arm with Flat Panel Detector
Allengers introduce top-end indigenously developed High Frequency C-Arms with the Flat Panel Detector (FPD). Due to its high image quality and easy maneuverability, it enhances the overall workflow in all the applications.
Digital Radiography Systems
All general purpose digital radiographic procedures/exposures on a patient standing, lying on a table or sitting on a chair
Fixed Cathlab (Altima)
Allengers – Altima uses state-of-the-art digital technology for superb performance, improved reliability, ease of use to meet the expectations of cardiologists to give a single solution for cardiac and vascular imaging.
Message from desk of CEO –
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Holmium Laser Series BLAZE | Mashruba Medical Technologies
August 29, 2021Allengers Blaze Holmium surgical laser system for lithotripsy is the latest laser generation with variable pulse width …
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