Fixed Cathlab

Product: Fixed Cath Lab
Models: Allengers Pride HP
Series: ALTIMA
Allengers – Altima uses state-of-the-art digital technology for superb performance, improved reliability, ease of use to meet the expectations of cardiologists to give a single solution for cardiac and vascular imaging.
Special Features:
- A robust 100 KW, dual inverter X-Ray generator.
- Multiple beam-hardening filter for low dose imaging.
- Liquid metal bearing 3 MHU X-ray tube with grid control unit and with faster heat dissipation for complex and long procedures.
- Flat Panel Detector with 20 X 20 cm / 30 X 30 cm.
- 55” high-resolution, high luminous, TFT colored monitor.
- 1K x 1K or 1.5K x 1.5K for higher image resolution.
- SID movement for better clarity and minimal radiation hazards.
- Direct digital image formation.
- STENT View software for enhanced stent visualization.
- Next generation SYNERGY software for low dose imaging.
- Integrated dose area product meter, dose control, radiation free preview collimator.
- 3 Axis (longitudinal / transverse / up & down travels) fixed table with floating carbon fiber top.
- Integrated Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA).
- AFD display for LAO / RAO / CRA / CAU/SID positioning.
- Multiple user defined Pre programmable positions.
- Non-contact proximal sensor based anti-collision.
- A.S.S.U.R.E protocols for enhanced radiation safety